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Our dedicated Comprehensive Services staff offers a variety of social support services for men, women, children, and families.

Mental Health Services

Near North provides individual, couples and family psychotherapy services. Mental health service assists patients who are suffering from both acute and chronic psychological and emotional conditions. Services include domestic violence counseling, individual mental health counseling, and employment, food, and housing assistance. Our licensed clinical social workers offer supportive talk therapy to treat conditions such as anxiety, depression, life stress, and emotional distress, and referrals for psychiatric services when appropriate.

Domestic Violence Counseling

We provide Domestic Violence counseling, court advocacy, housing and employment referrals.

Substance Abuse Treatment

Our substance abuse counselors provide support for adults through our outpatient treatment program, which is licensed through the Illinois Department of Health Services' Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse (DASA). NNHSC offers services for individuals under ASAM criteria Level I and II, with an emphasis on at-risk women, injecting drug users, persons living with HIV/AIDS, TANF recipients, and DCFS and DOC referrals. Services include individual therapy, self-help meetings, and group therapy focused on drug education. Individuals also receive STI/infectious diseases education, urinalysis drug screening, individual treatment planning and case management, and after care and recovery planning.

Maternal Child Health & Family Health Services

Family Support Services staff offers coordinated intensive and comprehensive case management and support to high-risk pregnant women and mothers, infants, and children through the following programs: Chicago Family Case Management, Better Birth Outcomes, and Healthy Families Illinois. The services include case coordination, prenatal support and follow-up, newborn follow-up, home visitation to participants, inter-conceptional care, family planning education, health education, maternal depression screening and treatment, parenting classes, and referrals to other community services.

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Early Intervention Services

Early Intervention Services include prevention education, confidential HIV testing and counseling, and HIV/AIDS primary health care services. Case Managers/Patient Navigators/Care Coordinators assist HIV-positive patients in obtaining medical treatment, pharmaceutical assistance, STI diseases education, mental health and substance abuse services, dental care, nutrition assessment and menu planning.

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